Paper two

How to write a successful paper two question

Paper two questions are in three parts (a), which includes two definitions. You can learn these by rote but you will be penalised one mark for a vague response. Then questions (c-f), which are 4 mark questions and then the essay component part (g).  When completing paper two questions you will need to start by reading the case study and use extracts included in the text during your responses.  This is particularly relevant when answering the 15 mark question, which you can answer as you would a paper one (part b) response. 

Breakdown of marks for paper two responses 

Part (a) [4 marks]

This section contains two 'define' questions and you will have few difficulties completing this section, providing you put in sufficient revision time. Diagrams are not required for this section.

Part (b) [5 marks] and parts (c - f) [4 marks each]

This section of the paper typically requires you to draw a diagram [2 marks] and then provide an explanation for a further two marks, with responses including an incorrect or missing diagram awarded a maximum of two marks.  You will be deducted one mark for an incorrect label. Questions without a diagram will required two different reasons/examples or explanations and these will also be marked as 2+2.

Part (g) [15 marks]

Part (g) is the longest question in this section and is worth 15 marks.  You should write part (g) responses as you would part (b) of paper one, except you are required to use the text, rather than real-world examples to provide the focus for your answer.  This is where you should spend the majority of your time, diagrams maybe useful to include in this section but not always.

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